Eye Injuries
Foreign Objects / Eye Irritants

What are Foreign Objects?
A foreign object could be a piece of dust, grit, or other substance that comes in contact with the eye. Most of the time, these objects are so small, we don’t notice them – and when they get into the eye, they’re harmless and easily removable. However, depending on the object and how deeply it enters the eye, foreign objects can be serious.
In the majority of cases, foreign objects are simply particles in the atmosphere that get into the eye because we don’t see them. However, a foreign object can get into the eye for any reason, including accidents, or doing work that creates flying particles without proper eye protection.
You will be able to feel a foreign object in your eye. In fact, you probably have if you’ve ever had an eyelash in your eye. If you don’t notice, or have trouble removing the object, your eye may become red or irritated.
The course of treatment for a foreign object in the eye depends on what the object is, and the degree of contact it has made with the eye.
Minor foreign objects include things like dust, grit, or an eyelash that is easily removable at home.
The best method of removal is to wash out the eye with an eye wash solution or if none is available, tap water. The most important point is to use a generous amount of water to ensure the particle is completely flushed out of the eye.
If you still feel the object in your eye, manual removal is the next option. Please consult your Eye care professional or Health care professional in order to do this.
For foreign bodies that may have penetrated the eye, seek medical attention immediately. If you have any question as to the seriousness of the injury, you should see an eye care professional.
Certain medical treatments for damage caused by foreign objects range from topical medications, emergency care to determine the appropriate treatment for an injury from foreign objects, to surgery (for objects that have penetrated or ruptured the eye).
Always consult your eye care practitioner for further advice.