Trifocal IOLs

FineVision® Trifocal Intraocular Lenses replace the natural lens of the eye after cataract surgery. With FineVision® Trifocal Intraocular Lenses, you could be free to see the world without spectacles. From a distant street sign to a close-up smart phone and everything in between.
The procedure is quick and simple and happens thousands of times every day around the world. In fact, the number of cataract surgeries performed around the world is expected to exceed 30 million by 2023.
FineVision IOL

FineVision is a trifocal intraocular lens that features a series of rings which diffract light to provide — Far, Intermediate and Near vision, lending to the name FineVision. FineVision features an innovative trifocal structure designed to significantly improve performance for intermediate vision.
The design of FineVision is different to multifocal or bifocal glasses. You don’t have to worry about moving your head to see clearly or even walking down stairs, as the lens is implanted in the eye. Many patients implanted with FineVision don’t need to wear glasses for everyday tasks such as driving, reading the car speedometer or even using their smart phone.
FineVision Toric IOL

FineVision Toric Trifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs) can also correct for astigmatism. This means that with a single surgical procedure FineVision Toric Trifocal IOLs can address your cataract, astigmatism and hyperopia or myopia while providing vision at far, intermediate and near – this could eliminate your need for glasses, even if you have worn glasses your whole life.
Is FineVision for you?
As we age, common tasks such as reading, driving (particularly at night) or using a computer become more difficult. This can be caused by cataracts, a clouding of the eye’s lens resulting in blurred vision.*

How your vision can
change with age

How are cataracts and
presbyopia treated?

How do FineVision
lenses work?
This product is not available for purchase by the general public.
* These symptoms may also be a sign of other eye conditions. If you have any of these symptoms, please check with your eye care professional.
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Understanding Cataracts Brochure
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