Renu™ Fresh Multi-Purpose Solution
Renu Fresh Multi-Purpose Solution provides a cushion of comfort for your contact lens wear. Use for cleaning, rinsing, disinfecting and storing your soft contact lenses. When used daily, it removes protein build-up. Experience the feeling of wearing a fresh pair of lenses every day.

Key Features & Benefits
- Gently cleans, rinses, disinfects, and stores your soft contact lenses.
- Contains Dymed, Poloxamine and Hydranate for clean, comfortable lenses.
- Cartons and bottles are 100% recyclable
Wearer's Guide
Inserting contact lenses is straightforward. Follow these simple instructions.
Removal of contact lenses is straightforward. Follow these simple instructions.
When you wear contact lenses designed for use for longer than a day, it’s important that you clean them diligently. Find step by step instructions here.